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Tulsi Mantra | In English
Tulsi Mantra: Meaning, Significance and Benefits
Tulsi is considered the most sacred plant among Hindus. Most Hindu houses have a Tulsi plant, which is worshipped every day after a bath. Tulsi, also known as Vrinda, is a Goddess and Shri Vishnu's consort. As a result, she is constantly connected with rituals celebrating Vishnu's different incarnations, the one who maintains life on this world. Tulsi is thought to be an incarnation of Goddess Lakshmi on the Planet. The devotion of the Tulsi plant is related to a number of causes. The Tulsi or Vrinda is thought to be the doorway to heaven or Vaikuntha, Lord Vishnu's dwelling. As a result, she assists followers in edging nearer to their eventual aim, Moksha.
The many portions of the Tulsi are thought to be the abode of numerous gods and holy scriptures of the hindu religion. Furthermore, because she is said to be a physical manifestation of the Goddess Lakshmi, she is honoured every day for peace and wealth. Furthermore, the holy plant aids in the removal of any Vastu Dosha. A Tulsi plant would also find a specific place of prayer in traditional families. People would do parikrama (circumambulation) to honour the Goddess. Tulsi's presence helps to fight against harm and unhappiness.
Finally, the Tulsi plant has therapeutic properties. Because the plant contains therapeutic characteristics, it is used to treat common colds, coughs, and other ailments. It also helps to strengthen the defence system of our body.
Tulsi Mantra: How do they help
In Hinduism, a Mantra is a metre that determines the intonation of the voice, and a Devata or a superhuman entity, greater or lesser, as its informing force. The Bija, or seed, is a meaningful word or set of words that confers extraordinary power. Sometimes this word is a sound that harmonises with the key-note of the one utilising it and changes with individuals; other times, this word conveys the core of the Mantra, and the blossom that springs from this seed is the outcome of the Mantra. The Sakti is the power of the Mantras shape, and vibrations created by its sounds.
Planting a basil tree in the house's Brahmasthan is regarded as extremely fortunate. It spreads divinity throughout the environment and supports the flow of pleasant energy. Brahamasthan is the precise middle of the house and is regarded as the most holy spot. Aside from that, Tulsi beads are used to make malas,' which may be donned as well as used to recite mantras.
How to chant tulsi mantra
It is very important to take proper care of the Tulsi plant at your home. The Tulsi plant is a delicate plant and needs a lot of dedication and care. Before chanting the mantras and watering the plant make sure to maintain proper hygiene and it is also advisable to take a bath before.
While reciting the mantras make sure to follow some of the instructions given below.
- Firstly one needs to tidy up the Tulsi area and clean the surrounding area for a peaceful, calm and clean environment for the chant.
- It is advisable to light an oil lamp beside the Tulsi plant.
- Water the Tulsi plant with both hands while holding the Kalash and make sure to be fully devoted towards this process.
- Then, make an offering of haldi, along with flowers and incense sticks.
- Finally Circulate around the plant while reciting the mantras to complete the process and to experience positivity and good fortune. .
Important Tulsi Mantras
1. Tulsi Gayatri mantra
The Tulsi Gayatri mantra is a very potent mantra. The Tulsi gayatri mantra provides mental serenity. Most importantly this mantra also promotes domestic harmony and contentment. To reap all of the advantages of mantra, recite the Tulsi Gayatri mantra. Tulsi Mantra honours Tulsi or Basil, a plant sacred to Vishnu and his incarnations Krishna and Vittal. The Gayatri Mantra for Goddess Tulasi is as follows. This mantra is extremely useful to individuals who deal with inconveniences on a regular basis.
The Tulsi Gayatri mantra is :
ॐ तुलसीदेव्यै च विद्महे,
विष्णुप्रियायै च धीमहि,
तन्नो वृन्दा प्रचोदयात् ।।
Om Tulsidevye Cha Vidmahe Vishnupriyaye Cha Dheemahi Tanno Vrinda Prachodayat.
Meaning - Om, Let me meditate on the Goddess of Ocimum, Oh, Goddess who is dear to Vishnu, give me higher intellect, And let Brindha illuminate my mind.
Benefits of chanting the Tulsi Gayatri mantra
- Reciting the Tulsi Gayatri Mantra on a regular basis enhances the possibilities of positive luck and success.
- The Mantra improves your income and lowers financial issues.
- This Mantra assists you in staying away from unhappiness and brings more good energy into your life.
- The Tulsi Gayatri Mantra assists in obtaining blessings from Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi.
- This mantra helps open new doors and brings forth better opportunities for you.
Best time to recite this mantra | After a bath, in the morning |
Number of times to chant this mantra | 9, 11, 108, or 1008 times |
Who can recite this mantra? | Anyone |
Chant this mantra facing | Facing the Tulsi plant, idol or image |
2. Vrinda Devi-ashtaka: The eight mantras glorifying Vrinda Devi (Tulsi)
These Tulsi Mantras honour Tulsi or Basil, a plant sacred to Vishnu and his incarnations Krishna and Vittal. During Tulsi Puja, the prayers are chanted. Tulsi mantras are potent chants for good health, riches, peace, and success. These mantras can be said before or while watering Tulsi. Another thing to remember is that anyone who picks Tulsi without first bathing is an offender, and all of his efforts are rendered ineffective. Pick the leaves with the right hand while holding the branch with the left, taking care not to break the branches. It is also important to treat the Tulsi plant with respect, love and care. These eight mantras are very important to spread positivity in your home and also to please Lord Vishnu and goddess Lakshmi. It is significant to recite these mantras with dedication and devotion.
The Vrinda Devi-ashtaka mantras:
गंगेय-कम्पेय-तदीद-विनिंदी-रोचिह-प्रवाह-स्नपित्तमा-वृन्दे बंधुका-रंधु-द्युति-दिव्य-वासोव्रिन्दे नमस ते कैरानारविन्दम ||
Gangeya-kampeya-tadid-vinindi-rocih-pravaha-snapitatma-vrinde bandhuka-randhu-dyuti-divya-vasovrinde namas te caranaravindam
Meaning - Dear Vrinda Devi, I bow down at your feet in reverence. You are drenched in your own radiance, which overcomes the radiance of lightning and the golden champaka flower. The beauty of the blue bandhuka flower is overshadowed by the glitter of your spiritual clothing.
बिंबाधारोदित्वर-मंडा-हस्य-नासाग्र-मुक्ता-द्युति-दिपितस्य विचित्र-रत्नभरन-श्रियाध्यायव्रिन्दे नमस ते कैरानारविन्दम||
bimbadharoditvara-manda-hasya-nasagra-mukta-dyuti-dipitasye vicitra-ratnabharana-shriyadhyevrinde namas te caranaravindam
Meaning - Dear Vrinda Devi, I bow down to your lotus feet in reverence. The radiance of the pearl on the tip of your nose and the remarkable soft smile on the two bimba fruits that are your lips brighten your face. The splendour of the magnificent and bright diamonds and accessories you wear enhances you.
समस्त वैकुंठ-शिरोमनौ श्री-कृष्णस्य वृंदावन-धान्य-धामनी दत्ताधिकारे वृषभानु-पुत्र्यवृन्दे नमस ते कैरानारविन्दम
samasta-vaikuntha-shiromanau shri-krishnasya vrindavana-dhanya-dhamni dattadhikare vrishabhanu-putryavrinde namas te caranaravindam
Meaning - O Vrinda Devi, I bow to your lotus feet with reverence. Shrimati Radharani, the daughter of King Vrishabhanu, has appointed you as the ruler of Lord Krishna's wealthy and fortunate home of Vrindavana, the crown gem of all the Vaikuntha planets.
तवद-अजनया पल्लव-पुष्पा-भृंगा-मृगदिभिर माधव-केली-कुंजः माधव-आदिभीर भंति विभुश्यामनवरिन्दे नमस ते कैरानारविन्दम
tvad-ajnaya pallava-pushpa-bhringa-mrigadibhir madhava-keli-kunjah madhv-adibhir bhanti vibhushyamanavrinde namas te caranaravindam
Meaning - Dear Vrinda Devi, I bow down to your lotus feet in reverence. Because of your command, the woods where Lord Madhava performs His pastimes look magnificent, with blossoming flowers, bumblebees, deer, and other fortunate creatures, flowers, and birds.
तवड़िया-दुत्येन निकुंज-युनोरत्युतकायोह केली-विलास-सिद्धिः तवत-सौभागम केना निरुच्यतम तद्वृन्दे नमस ते कैरनारविन्दम
tvadiya-dutyena nikunja-yunoratyutkayoh keli-vilasa-siddhih tvat-saubhagam kena nirucyatam tadvrinde namas te caranaravindam
Meaning - Dear Vrinda Devi, I bow down to your lotus feet in reverence. Who can adequately explain your fortunate fortune? You were the messenger who brought about the perfection of Radha and Krishna's passionate pastimes, the young couple who joyfully played in the woods of Vrindavana.
रसभिलासो वसातिस क वृंदा-वणे तवद-इसंगरी-सरोजा-सेवा लाभ क पुमसम कृपाय तवैववृन्दे नमस ते कैरानारविन्दम
rasabhilaso vasatis ca vrinda-vane tvad-isanghri-saroja-seva labhya ca pumsam kripaya tavaivavrinde namas te caranaravindam
Meaning - O Vrinda Devi, I bow to your lotus feet with reverence. Vrindavana is the home of the living creatures that serve your Lord's lotus feet. And the yearning to comprehend the Lord's magnificent diversions of the rasa dance is only possible because of your kindness.
तवं कीर्त्यसे सत्वत-तंत्र-विद्भीरलीलाभिधन किला कृष्ण- शक्तिः तवैव मूर्ति तुलसी नरि-लोकवृन्दे नमस ते कैरानारविन्दम
tvam kirtyase satvata-tantra-vidbhirlilabhidhana kila krishna-saktih tavaiva murtis tulasi nri-lokevrinde namas te caranaravindam
Meaning - O Vrinda Devi, I bow to your lotus feet with reverence. Those who have studied the Satvata-tantra extol your virtues. You are Lord Krishna's ability to do pastimes, and you are known in human society as Tulasi Devi.
भक्ति विहिना अपराधा-लक्षैःक्षिप्तस क कामदी-तरंगा-मध्ये कृपामयी तवं शरणं शरणं प्रपन्नवरिन्दे नमस ते कैरानारविन्दम
bhaktya vihina aparadha-lakshaihkshiptas ca kamadi-taranga-madhye kripamayi tvam sharanam prapannavrinde namas te caranaravindam
Meaning - O Vrinda Devi, I bow to your lotus feet with reverence. Those who lack devotion to Lord Hari and are pushed by their transgressions into the seas of passion and other unlucky traits may seek refuge with you.
Benefits of chanting the Vrinda Devi-ashtaka mantras
- These mantras guard against unpleasant dreams, anxiety, mishaps, and weaponry.
- It also protects against black magic, the evil eye, and other forms of negativity.
- It is claimed that chanting these mantras helps cleanse a person's mind, body, and spirit.
- It emits good energy into a person's aura and aids in the removal of all sorts of bad energy.
- Wearing a Tulsi mala while reciting mantras improves attention and helps the user overcome health issues.
Best time to recite Vrinda Devi-ashtaka mantra | After a bath, in the morning |
Number of times to chant this mantra | 9, 11, 108, or 1008 times |
Who can recite Vrinda Devi-ashtaka mantra mantra? | Anyone |
Chant this mantra facing | Tulsi plant, idol or image |
Overall benefits of chanting the Tulsi mantras
- Chanting Tulsi mantras can assist a person in overcoming bad karmic effects and realising the purest form of existence.
- These mantras promote general prosperity and aid in the treatment of ailments by disseminating optimism.
- According to astrologers, these mantras aid in the removal of all types of pain.
- These mantras assist in clearing one's thoughts and maintaining serenity and tranquillity.
- It has the power to remove the impediments to your achievement.
- It aids in the development of a humanitarian mindset by increasing empathy for other living beings.
- These Mantras can assist you in overcoming stress, which produces a host of difficulties in your life, as well as improving your spiritual level.
- Regularly chanting these mantras can assist to calm the mind, revitalise the body, and soothe the spirit.
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